"Sights Tours is a Tourism and car rental agency. At Sights Tours we offer all inclusive services, as we aim to be Oman tourist’s one stop shop through having a wide range of packages and tours. Starting from ready-made tours to tailored and customized tours to perfectly fit our client’s needs. We offer both group tours & private tours, experiences like local food tasting and tourists transfer to the mountains. For sea, desert and wadi excursions we work with professional partner agencies. Visitors of Oman looking to get a detailed itinerary plus all holiday reservations made by the experts and do the sightseeing themselves then look no farther. Our experts are ready to give their best advice and recommendations. Muscat Tours Oman Trips" {-- clean(nl2br($item->item_description), array('HTML.Allowed' => 'b,strong,i,em,u,ul,ol,li,p,br')) --}